• BD코리아


» 4/12(목) Day1: Education (2층 볼룸)


시간 소요(분) 내용 연자/좌장
12:30-13:30 60 Registration 
13:30-13:40 10 Introduction 이갑열
13:40-15:40 120 Lecture Ⅰ.  Immune cells in cancer 좌장: 강창율(서울대)
13:40-14:10 30 Immune regulation by myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSC) in cancer 연제인(연세대)
14:10-14:40 30 T cell differentiation during cancer development 하상준(연세대)
14:40-15:10 30 Immunotherapy with Dendritic cells for patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma 김윤준(서울대)
15:10-15:40 30 Considerations for the design of Chimeric Antigen Receptor 김찬혁(KAIST)
15:40-16:10 30 Coffee break
16:10-17:40 90 Lecture Ⅱ.  Experimental methods for immunology 좌장: 최인홍(연세대)
16:10-16:40 30 Experimental animal models in immunological research 홍창완(부산대)
16:40-17:10 30 Two-photon Intravital Microscopy
- Animal surgery, Image capture, and Data analysis -
17:10-17:40 30 Multicolor flow cytometry in studying immune cells (in the context of autoimmune diseases) 최윤수(서울대)
17:40-19:20 100 Reception 

» 4/13(금) Day2: Symposium (2층 볼룸)


시간 소요(분) 내용 연자/좌장
08:00-08:50 50 Registration
08:50-09:00 10 Opening address 김영상
(대한면역학회 회장)
09:00-10:15 75 Block SymposiumⅠ. Innate Immunity 좌장: 임종석(숙명여대)
9:00-9:25 25 Recognition of bacterial rRNA by a pattern recognition receptor protects against intracellular infection 고영상(제주대)
9:25-9:50 25 Autophagy dysfunction promote eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis 김헌식(서울아산병원)
9:50-10:15 25 NOX2-mediated ROS generation in macrophage through endocytosis of monomeric TLR4-MD2 complex 정원일(KAIST)
10:15-10:45 30 Coffee break
10:45-12:30 100 Young Investigator 좌장: 이종길(충북대)
10:45-11:00 15 Metabolic syndrome promotes NLRP3 inflammasome activation in macrophages 문종석(순천향대)
11:00-11:15 15 Discovery of New Regulators in HSCs and Hematological Malignancies 이동준(부산대)
11:15-11:30 15 Epigenomic Regulation of Human Macrophages by Interferon-gamma 강규호(KIST)
11:30-11:45 15 Integrin CD11b negatively regulates Mincle-induced signaling via Lyn-SIRPa-SHP1 complex 이욱빈(KIST)
11:45-12:00 15 CD8+ T cell responses against acute and chronic viral infection 서영진(중앙대)
12:00-12:15 15 The role of Itch in type 2 immunity 진형승(서울아산병원)
12:15-12:30 15 Lipids in T cell biology 김지형(고려대)
12:30-13:30 60 Lunch
13:30-14:30 60 Poster Presentation  
14:30-15:30 60 Oral Presentation 좌장: 박영민(건국대)
15:30-16:00 30 Coffee break
16:00-17:15 75 Block SymposiumⅡ. Adaptive Immunity 좌장: 김평현(강원대)
16:00-16:25 25 CD244 negatively mediates autoimmune inflammation by CNS-infiltrating natural killer cells 지영흔(제주대)
16:25-16:50 25 Dynamic roles of miR-150 in CD8 T cell immunity 김태돈(KRIBB)
16:50-17:15 25 Generation of Effector and Memory CD8 T cells without CD4 Help 최은영(서울대)
17:15-17:45 30 원로회장 특별강연: 대한면역학회의 역사 좌장: 김평현(강원대)
17:15-17:45 30 Korean Immunological Orchestra 하대유
(전북대 명예교수)
17:45-18:15 30 시상 및 폐회

» 4/14(토) Day3: Career Development Program (2층 마라홀)

시간 소요(분) 내용
09:00-12:00 180 Career Development Program