• BD코리아


» 4/11(목) Day1: Education Sessions

시간 내용 연자/좌장
12:30-13:30 Registration  
13:30-13:40 Introduction 김태우
(대한면역학회 학술위원장)
13:40-15:40 Lecture Ⅰ. Immunometabolism and Tumor microenvironment 좌장: 김혜영(서울대)
13:40-14:10 Metabolic regulation in macrophages and T cells 조계원(순천향대)
14:10-14:40 Macrophage Immunometabolism: What is the macrophage field awaiting? 전현식(고려대)
14:40-15:10 Role of tumor hypoxia and aerobic glycolysis in the immune cell metabolism 안지완(포항공대)
15:10-15:40 Harnessing T cells for Immunotherapy 박윤(KIST)
15:40-16:10 Coffee break   
16:10-17:40 Lecture Ⅱ. Single-cell analysis for singularity of immune system 좌장: 정연석(서울대)
16:10-16:40 Dissecting tumor microenvironment by single cell transcriptome analysis 이혜옥(삼성서울병원)
16:40-17:10 Dissecting cellular heterogeneity using single-cell RNA-seq 김종경(DGIST)
17:10-17:40 Single cell analysis of innate T cell differentiation 이유정(포항공대)
17:40~19:00 Reception  

» 4/12(금) Day2: Symposium

시간 내용 연자/좌장
08:00-08:50 Registration  
08:50-09:00 Opening address 장용석
(대한면역학회 회장)
09:00-10:15 Block SymposiumⅠ. Immune cell function 좌장: 이원우(서울대)
09:00-09:25 Built-in adjuvant-engineered mucosal vaccines may modulate dysbiotic microbiota and barrier functions 이시은(전남대)
09:25-09:50 Development of small molecule based immunotherapeutics for anti-cancer treatment  이창훈(한국화학연구원)
09:50-10:15 Pathogenic function of bystander T cells in autoimmune encephalomyelitis 최제민(한양대)
10:15-10:45 Coffee break   
10:45-12:25 Young Investigator Session 좌장: 정용우(고려대)
10:45-11:05 Role of the microbiota in the mucosal vaccine and inflammatory diseases 김동현(서울의대)
11:05-11:25 Macrophage tolerance and inflammation 박성호(UNIST)
11:25-11:45 Regulation of inflammation at the interface of host-microbial symbiosis 박주홍(서울대)
11:45-12:05 Critical role for the microbiota in limiting inflammatory intestinal T cell responses 김명후(부산대)
12:05-12:25 Regulation of immunological homeostasis by Tregs 권호근(연세의대)
12:25-13:30 Lunch  
13:30-14:30 Poster Presentation  
14:30-15:30 Oral Presentation 좌장: 이갑열(서강대)
15:30-16:00 Coffee break   
16:00-17:40 Block SymposiumⅡ. Immune cell development 좌장: 임신혁 (POSTECH, IBS)
김두진 (한국생명공학연구원)
16:00-16:25 Immunometabolism in NKT cells 정두현(서울대)
16:25-16:50 Nuclear speckle-related protein 70 (NSrp70) is a novel RNA alternative splicing factor that is critical for early development of T and B lymphocytes 전창덕(GIST)
16:50-17:15 Cellular function of TXNIP in hematopoietic stem cell aging 정해용
17:15-17:40 Ets1, a Key Regulator of TFH2 Cell Differentiation 임신혁(POSTECH, IBS)
17:40-18:10 시상 및 폐회